not just the hits

Tag: self-reflection (Page 2 of 3)

I Wonder


Typed Text From Journal Page:

1/5/98 10:04

My darlings,

I hear you cough in the next room, rustle the blankets, look for sleep to fall onto your eyes.  What do you think of as you lie in your beds waiting for sleep to come.  Do you listen to my movements as I do yours.  Do you wonder what I am doing as I write about you in the next room unbeknownst to you. Do you wonder why I do not let you stay up with me, as I struggle to make the most out of the hours that I find for myself at the end of the day.  And even those are spent for you.  Thinking about you, loving you, planning fro you, wanting only the best for you.  I struggle with my self every single day.  I try to be good, I wonder if I truly am, I try to be honest and fair, teach you right, wrong, okay, exceptions to the rules, absolutes, maybes.

Emma, this afternoon you spoke of going with daddy this weekend.  I encouraged your thoughts, you feel like you should love him so.  We wished he would stay home with you and not work.  I said, “let’s cross our fingers.” You responded, “okay, tonight when I suck on my blankie I’ll have my thumb in my mouth and my other fingers crossed, like this.” As you displayed your planned pose for the evening.  We ate dinner, you bathed, you played, and come time for you to finally fall asleep – after a talk and night-night songs – you crossed your fingers and began to suckly your thumb.  I asked you why were we suppose to cross our fingers and you said, “for no scary thoughts and so daddy doesn’t work on Saturday.” My girl.  My girly girl.

Brandon, you seem so strong on the outside sometimes.  You too had a tough day.  I have to nurture you in such a different way.  You don’t express much emotion about your dad but I wonder, what is it that you don’t say.  I worry about how to raise you.  What to say to you, how strong to be with you, how soft, how gentle.  I worry because you are such a sensitive boy and you hurt, but you are so good about holding on, keeping the faith.  Do you shrug some things off like I do? Do you resist being harmed by something long term? How do you see things, how do you see me, your dad, what do you think of life, people? Does your relationship with your father do anything for you? If so, what, if not, why not?

I love you guys.

Good night

Mom 12:08

Help Your Generation Be A Better Generation

Listen to your heart


Typed Text From Journal Page:

7/18/96 11:45 p.m.

My dearest children,

The world I live in today is a blind one.  It is walked upon by people who are presumptuous and arrogant. Not only are they that, but they are also [vainly] arrogant.  It is unfortunate. Unfortunate because there is much energy in these people.  Somewhat misguided, uncontrolled.  They do not stop long enough to listen, or long enough to understand.  Opinions, inflated facts, and an understanding of reality – limited to their narrow minded choices of information.

With luck, work and brighter future in mind, your world will not be similar to mine.  With hope, your generation will be a much better guided one.  One enriched by what you two have to offer.

You will hopefully see beyond the passions which pervert and blind those who do not control them.

We are our own worse enemy my children.  Our senses can confuse and control us.  Always turn to your hearts and your mind for the answer.

Answer only to your soul – not to the blind.  Always listen more than you speak.  Listen to what people say and to what they do not say.  What they do not say is just as important.  You can try to set them straight on some of the facts. But try is all one can do.

Do not push, do not shove.  A whisper in a crowd can be heard better than a shouting voice.

Much of this may not make sense, so you may need to ask me what it was all about.  I hope that is the case.  Remind me I was referring to Common Law and Gregory Fargo and platoon.



P.S. We had a tough day today, the three of us.  But I love you with all of my heart.  Incredibly much. Sooo much.

My Wish For You


Typed Text From Journal Page:

7/13/96 1:12 a.m.


My darling, beautiful daughter. How much I do love you.  I look at you and wish you would let yourself be four years old.  You are in such a hurry to grow up.  Your baby pictures make me wish, yearn for that little girl that is inside and does not want to be.  I get desperate just thinking about how much I wish you were my little baby.  I did not play with you often enough.  I did not hold you often enough, or long enough.  So much time has passed and so many things have happened – yet so few things have happened.  I have been so busy fighting with you that I have not enjoyed the Emma you are.  Soon you will b away and I will not have had you at all.  I understand that feisty young girl inside of you.  I can see how your fear hides behind your anger.  I wish I could take that all away, but I can not.  I try to help you guide it, mold it, control it and not let it control you.

You make that so difficult.  You fight me every step.  I keep hoping that once you start kindergarten you will find a way to con[s]truct your venting. That is my hope.  That which you find and my love and understanding will help you find the way – Your way.

You are such a wonderful person. You are incredible. You are so full of fire and spirit – Alive and impatient with the walls that bind you.  But you put up your own walls.  Your inability to let your self be human is always your undoing.  I hope that by the time you get to read this you have overcome and conquered that fear.  I do not know what the future holds for me.  However, I try to make the best of what we have.  I try to make the right choices.  I have tried to find someone to fit into our life that will offer more stability, but I have not been successful.  I wish to either quit entirely or someday succeed.  Not entirely for our benefit but also for mine.  Once you and Brandon have left my side this person is all I will have left.  So far that person has not happened.  Apa has come the closest.  In love and soul he touches me deep, where I have not been touched by any other.  Yes, not even by your father.  Apa feels about many things the way I do.  He understands me, and most of all he understand, loves, and respects you – not as a child, but as a human being.  People like Apa you will not find very easily in the world.  Perhaps by the time you need someone in your life an individual such as he has been cultivated for you.  One can only hope that mankind is working today to better the generation of tomorrow.  You are that generation, you and your brother.

Work together, work well, each other is all you have that has been a lifetime.

And don’t forget to let yourself be human, and to love – universally.




Typed Text From Journal Page:

7/13/96 1:45 a.m.

My Son,

I looked into your eyes today after raising my voice to you and my heart broke.  I love you so much.  I crush when ever you are sad. You are such a loving gentle person.  Although sometimes you can be a real shit, but you’re only seven and even you need to vent. I am tough on you because I want you to be prepared for life.  You are a boy and soon a man, men do not get taught how to be real, simply how to be men.  I want you to be both.

Always know how to treat a lady.  Especially if she has earned it.

Occasionally you may have to sock your sister in the arm and set her straight on the facts of life.  Remind her to love herself, remind her that it’s ok to be human.  She is allowed to cry, be angry, be happy and be scared.

Never raise your voice to another person, even if they merit it. Never lie, or cheat or steal.  The only person you truly end up doing it to is yourself.

I am not the perfect mother, I am human.  The day I become perfect I must be dead and in the kingdom of this higher power we call God. Only there can any one be perfect.

I want so much for you.  You are a wonderful human being.  Never let anyone take that away from you.  Never let anyone tell [you] you’re wrong.  Never stop asking questions.  Never stop looking for answers.  The puzzles you try to put together are of another kind.  Keep trying – if the pieces do not fit make new pieces.

Life is too, too short son.



Please Be Strong


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My rug rats,

Another busy, wonderful weekend for us.  You are now at Daddy’s.  I sit here writing memories for you.  I am currently out of work and our budget is tight, but we are going to be just fine.  You are taking swimming lessons.  We have had some fun afternoons playing football.  Visiting friends needs to be more a part of our agenda.  Greg has been a part of our life for the past few weeks.  That part is not going to work out.  I feel like he does not understand what I am trying to do with you.  Not many people do.  Now-a-days raising children in a loving, patient environment is not what many people do.  Greg certainly is not one of them.  That is too bad.  But your moma is not one to let people be impatient with you.  I do not care who it is.  I love you both.  Please be strong.

Brandon, take care of Emma.

Emma, let him.




It’s Good You’re Fishing


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My wonderful, wonderful children

You are fishing.  Mommy is sitting on Gregory’s bed writing to you.  A lot of things have happened in our lives this month.  Momma got [a] scholarship to Occidental.  She has finished two glorious years at Glendale College and we have survived up until now fairly well.  You two are tremendous children in my life.  I don’t know what or how or who I would be with out you.

I got fired from Pat & Lorraines, to say the least.  They are playing their games with me of cutting hours and shit.  So basically we will call it a firing.  I will be looking for a new job soon.

Everything is looking real critical for us.  New school, new job. New life.  I need to really work at a lot of things this summer.  There are so many little things.  They pile up to one huge backed up thing[s].  I was pretty depressed today.  I still am so it is a good thing that you are fishing with daddy – having a good time.

Mommy has a ton of stuff to get out of the way for you.

My things are coming in from Puerto Rico finally.  Many things are coming in to place.

Crisis – Silvio Rodriguez


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My children, my loves, my life.  We have traveled a long, hard, narrow road.  Nothing but good things can happen to us now.

Together we have come this far.

Together we will go the distance.

No one ever said life was easy, that is not news.

But life is interesting, Crisis #12 Silvio tells it all.

Las cosas en nuestra vida siempre seran sagradas. Nunca las desperdicien.

Con Amor

Su Mama

Pull Together


Typed Text From Journal Page:

dear Brandon and Emma

this is not the first letter or note I may have written to you, but it is the first entry in an official log for you to keep.

many things have happened in your lives that today make you who you are. you are people of great character today and when you read these pages you will still be.

I am writing to you together in this book because I hope you two will always remain together.  I hope this book will be a single of many bonds you have keeping you together  today as children I express anxiety, distress when I see the two of you argue or fight.  that is only because I wish for the two of you to recognize who and what you are in each others lives.  when I no longer am in between the two of you, either pulling you apart or pulling you together I hope the pages to come will be there in my place.

my love for the two of you is eternal and infin[i]tely large.  for your sister tory as well. I hope that as you read these pages, or future ones, you find yourselves together.  I also write to her, in another book, perhaps you can sit and compare my thought for each of you. Perhaps you can better understand me through these pages and this ink.

this book, and future ones like it, are intended to help you reflect upon those things you find yourself not understanding. Perhaps things you do not understand today as you read or things you remember from our past.

if you find me making reference to a single person in these writings do not try to figure out who I am speaking of if I do not make mention of a name.  the contents of these pages are intended for both of you. together you must, together, through these pages you will also better understand me. I know it is difficult. I am a person with many passions, many thoughts, many dreams.  I strive for much too much sometimes and other not enough.  I hope someday I will have learned how to measure my steps and reaches.  If I do not perhaps I am not to do anything different than I already am.

I shall leave this note for the time being.

With much love


1-10-96 10:05 pm.

You Have Had A Couple of Good Days


Typed Text From Journal Page:

Hello my darlings (scribble)

Weird, I know.  It’s my own sort of code, “Ha!, Hmmm?)” Whatever. You have had a couple of good days.  We had Parent Conference a couple of nights ago and you guys were great.  Your teachers are all so happy with you.  Emma, you are truly becoming – you fight it, but everyone is so happy with you.  Drama, writing in Humanities, you got physics credit or some such thin – and math – Wow-Algebra 2 next year.  But you fight it.  I let your teachers know you didn’t want to go there next year, but it is not an option.  I think you feel better.  Brandon, you don’t know it yet, but Syd said you got picked by the actor guy…from your rehearsal.  We’ll see if they follow through – That’s what she whispered in my ear.  In the meantime, you two are doing well with each other. Love Mom.

Don’t Dwell On What You Didn’t Get


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You probably at this point are wondering what Milton’s role or Nancy’s role are in my life.  They are both in it, but how, to what degree, and why? The truth is that they probably feel they are more in my life than I give them room for.  The truth to me is that I’ve never, thus far, felt my life and future belonged to any one partner.  To this very moment my life belongs to the two of you – no one else.  I do desire someone in my life – “fantasy” would have someone phenomenal, amazing, magical.  At this moment in my world there is no one that works that way.  Milton makes CD’s and boxes, and jewelry.  Nancy is humble, honest, predictable.  Anyone else would have some other find quality to them.  The “truth” reality, sadness of it all is that now one impresses me. My feeling is that we are in a good place at this moment.  I do, at times, wonder what if…when I remember/think of Hector. But… And that is the standard.  Don’t do this when you grow older and more “jaded”.  Live, Love, ad Enjoy every person you are with, when you are with them.  And move on.  Everyone you meet will have something to offer you.  You loved ones will have something you can take with you.  Don’t dwell on what you didn’t get.  This is always easier said than done.  But it is necessary.

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